AFTER DEATH ! _______________

Most of you have been asking me what happens after death?,
Does another life continues after death? 

Now listen, there's no life after death
We came we go, we form and we decompose....

Immediately one dies, everything about him shuts down, his nostalgic memories fade gradually away from the brain of the lovers .

We live to die, same way mushroom sprouts, grow, germinate and after some days dies off, and nothing happens again .

We are like trees, we are reproduced, we grow, live and after some days dies off, and nothing follows except decomposition of the dead body, we turn to manure and help the plants grow.

There's no life after death, there's no continuity or place for another life.

Judgement, Criticism and rewards of one's deeds ends here in life before one dies.

There's what I call “Law of land and law of Nature”

Law of land are those laws, rules and regulations made by the people living in particular territory.... Go to Izzi Ebonyi state, there law of land states that, if a married woman has sex with another man out of her marriage, that the woman will die unless she confess, or her children will be dying one after another— This is her reward, there's no hell or judgement by any God after death.

Then law of Nature, it is said that anything that goes around comes around, According to Nature, everything has a payback— when one destroy another person's life, it's likely to come back as a payback to him or her if he or she doesn't feel pity or change from the act. When one is planning evil against another, it's Under must that evil will come around as a payback—To prove this, you can see a home of a man who does evil, his children will all be useless except if one among them does not support the evil of his or her parents— there's no hell nor suffering awaiting after the death of the person.

If you are told, that if you do not make it here in life, that you will enjoy in heaven, this is a preaching to a lazy poor man— Life  ends here, heaven ends here, hell ends here and when one dies everything about him or her ends up and everything shuts down.

Do not be deceived, do not hope for any other haven or wealthy home if you do not build one here—Death comes when the Body systems stopped functioning, just like car stops moving when the engine damaged.

It is left for you, to build hell here waiting for heaven or build heaven here and wait for your death.

I am Wisdom Buchi
Son to KAA 

I live to remind you, what you have forgotten.



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